Born from a belief in education.
Dafydd Edward Lewis (1866 – 1941) migrated to Australia from Wales in 1896. He first worked in the drapery field and eventually established himself most successful in business, with a partner, Joseph Love. Lewis was a man of bold character and an entrepreneur who believed in hard work and education. When he died in 1941, he left an estate valued at £700,000 to be held in perpetual trust to provide scholarships for boys for full-time tertiary study. The Trust was established in 1942 and the first scholarships were awarded in 1943.
Trust Achievements
A commitment to the community.
Since its inception 80 years ago, the Scholarship Trustees have awarded over 1,100 scholarships. The Scholarship Trustees are firmly committed to expanding the reach of the scholarships, and are continuing to look at helping government schools identify eligible candidates, along with creating an awareness of the opportunities provided.
To learn more about applying for or donating to The Dafydd Lewis Trust please call Equity Trustees on 03 8623 5000.